since i've been tagged for the first time, im now excited to answer all the questions. who tagged me? of course tak lain tak bukan blogger hebat NurulJannah Asila or we called her kak jan. :) oh dan dia juga girlfriend class rep saya. hihihi. so come on, lets play the gaaaaame!
First : The Rules.1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back!
7. No stuff in the tagging section about 'YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS' YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WILL ALL HONESTLY) have tagged 11 people.
Second : 11 Things About ME!#1 : My full name is Siti Nor Khodijah binti Sheikh Samsol Bahari. people call me KD / IJA. and im mixed. my mum is pure malay + my dad is an arab = me.
#2 : i love red in colour damn much. i dont know why. it just happened to be. hahaha. red shows bravery. bajet berani. so yaa, red is wonderful colour.
#3 : i love to cook and bake. i enjoyyy cooking and baking superr superr mucchh. i love to try new recipe, cook new dishes, prepare desserts. awwhh, i just love it!
#4 : i love cosmetics stuffs. eyeshadows, lip lacquer, eye liner, mascara. everything. i feel good looking at those stuffs because i feel like im a grown up lady! :)
#5 : i used to have braces on. and now nomore. and sadly, my teeth are now mengada. it moves back. but just a little. but still i dont like it. perhaps i can ask my future husband to give hantaran for me to put on my braces back?
#6 : i hate people who distube me while im sleeping. and i mean it. i just dont like it because i have difficulty to sleep and yet when im sleeping, there are people who disturb. uwaaa. =_=''
#7 : i MUST have my blanket when im sleeping. any blanket. if i dont use blanket, then i cant sleep.
#8 : i dont like pink. but most of my stuffs are pink in colour. ;s dah perempuan memang tak boleh nak elak lah kan. but now, im more careful in choosing what colour of stuffs should i own. hehe.
#9 : menstrual pain is my bestfriend every month. i will get it without fail. but orang dulu dulu cakap if u always get menstrual pain, then when u want to deliver nanti senang. so err, bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian. haha
#10 : i start wearing tudung / hijab when i was in form 1. 13 years old.
# 11 : ohhh lupa pulak pasal ni. I TALK A LOTTTTTT. kadang kadang cakap takde fullstop. kadang kadang ade. ikut la mana sempat. haha. tak de la ckp mcm train. i talk like a normal people cuma terlebih enjoy bercakap. used to be ketua MC masa jd prefect during high school.
Third : Questionaire!1. What do you think of ME?
* you are one beautiful lady. sangat confident in whatever you are doing. and one thing for sure, you KNOW what you are doing.
2. Tak suka makan apa and why?
* tak suka makan ape eh. jap fikir. erm, haaa tak suka makan pecal. pecal ni rasanya macam makanan jawa kot. tak suka sebab rasa dia pelik sbb after makan of course nnt pening kepala. haha.
3. Pernah tak jatuh tergolek kat public?
* PERNAHHHHHH! (dengan bangganya mengaku. bukan setakat tegolek je, siap macam nangka wangi lagi) fuhh.
4. Your first perfume?
* i cant remember tapi rasanya it was Escape beli masa buat umrah.
5. Barang yang korang PALING SAYANG ?
* handphone.
6. Perkara yang paling korang tak suka kalau bestfriend korang buat tapi tak sanggup nak tegur?
* erm, whenever he/she put the blame on others.
7. Fastfood yang korang prefer utk makan tiap kali keluar and why?
* McD la kot. sbb easy. grab and go. hehe.
8. Apa yang korang selalu buat kalau tengah nervous?
* selawat. pastu duduk diam diam. renung dinding.
9. Pernah menangis kat depan orang ?
* of course. banyak kali. saya over sensitif org ckp. :(
10. Pernah suka kat bestfriend sendiri tak?
* errr.
11. Have you ever feel betrayed, and apa yg korang buat lepas tu ?
* yes!! berdoa semoga dia mendapat balasan yang setimpal daripada Allah SWT.
DONE! oh, saya tak reti nak tag orang lain. :( xpe nanti saya belajar okay. till now. goodbye readers!