Saturday, October 15, 2011

Red Velvet!

saya suka red velvet. anda bagaimana? hehe..few days ago, i give it a try and dgn smgtnya buat red velvet. kan dah cakap bila cuti camni of course akan masuk dapur try something new. and the red velvet SANGAT SEDAPP OKAAYY! the cake texture is so moist, and for the cream on each layer, we use cream cheese and squeeze some lemon instead of whipped cream + cheese. boring kan kalau cream then tambah cream lg nnt muak, so improvise sikit.

Red Velvet must be kept refrigerated..bila nak letak dalam fridge tu, wrap la dgn cling wrap so that dia tak kering. nanti penat je buat moist moist hehe. and bila potong the base part akan melekat ckit ckit je, sbb lembut kan. hisshh, tapi sedap lah cake ni. :) something different kan.

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