Thursday, November 24, 2011

first week.

so today is Thursday. 4th day for this week. i've been here for almost a week but it feels like a month. i miss being at home. everything about home. but thinking of im here to have a better future, i need to be strong. i need to focus. i need to stay calm.

about the subjects for this semester, all i can say is it will be tough. seriously. those subjects are hard. plus i have class everyday from 8 am to 6 pm everyday without fail. one lecturer asked us 'korang class everyday sampai pukul berapa?' and when we told him about our schedule, all he can say was 'bangla pun balik awl dr korang' haha. u seeee how powerful we are. :')

elected as the class rep for this sem, i need to be extra alert in everything. i will try to give my very best and i hope they can cooperate with me. and trust me, they do. im so happy to have a supportive classmates. it feels so weird when lecturers called u, when we have to take orders for books, collect money, deal with all the schedule, classes and everything. hehehe, it is fun but tiring. but yeah, no complain! and now i miss my school life, i miss prefects board, i miss the time when i was the Penolong Ketua Pengawas. :(

so here i am, again, wish me all the best. i want i need i must achieve good grades again and again and again!

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