Monday, March 15, 2010

im grateful !

that is d only word yg keluar when d result slip is in my hand. =)
i know that some people will say its not good because i didnt managed to get straight A's just like my UPSR n PMR but come on, ITS NOT EASY AS WHAT U GUYS THINK OKAY. and im very happy n proud of myself coz i can say my dream comes true? haha.

* managed to get moree than my bro. (thats what i really aimed for)
* managed to get more than 5A's. (i target to get lower than that but alhamdulillah, i obtained MORE than what i expected!)
*eventhough i criedd after my accounts paper because m so stressful after doing it (susah nak mampus thp tegolek golek) but luckily i managed to get an A for my accounts. alhamdulillah. =))
* andddd i managed to get distinction for LCCI! (lcci is an international ques in accounts paper and the hardest ques. i cried because of that question!)
* an A for my 1119.
* add math dear, i know before this m kinda screwed u, but luckily a B for u. aahaha..

thank you teachers!

muka muka riang lps dpt results. =)

gadis-gadis. HAHAHA.

choda dgn ayahanda. choda dpt exactly sama dgn what i get. dah la masa spm dok sblh sblh. hahaha. lawak betul.


Yolande said...

heyy. link me ait ?


Khodijah Shamsul said...

sure will dear. =)

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