Tuesday, June 12, 2012

These are what im good at. ;)

Assalamualaikum! before i proceed, this post is not a bangga diri post okay people. I warned you awal awal sebab tak nak lah terlambat, kang korang dah bukak mulut mengata, berdosa pulekks.*hihi joking  
therefore, this is only meant for sharing, nothing more or....less. ;)

Some people are good at cooking, some are good at baking, and not to forget mengemas. I have no problems at cooking and baking, TAK HEBAT but i dont mind doing it sebab sangat suka pergi dapur, bukak api berlagak masterchef but I dont really like to clean up all the dusts and dirts and urgh. okay enough. sebab lepas tu nanti terbersin tersakit terallergy sebab kita kan kanak kanak special yang doctor cakap tak boleh pegang habuk debu dan kotoran LOLOL. maafkan kita, kita terover. but dont get me wrong, bukannya when kita cakap tak suka mengemas tu kita tak kemas langsung, tidak! kita kemas jugak cuma tak suka. kalau boleh upah orang kita dah upah oi! cuma kalau buat jugak upah upah tu memang menunjukkan sisi kemalasan, ketidaksopanan serta kebukananakdaraan lah kan! hah baca kau. hihi.

Therefore, here i am just to share, a lil bit of what im good at.

This is Moist Chocolate Cake. Mummy saya yang ayu, (serious saya tak tipu memang mummy saya nama ayu) she taught me how to bake this yummy chocolate cake. Mak kita buat business jugak kek kek ni haa, and the picture above, we did it all. from the cake, to the choc topping and the choc pieces on top of it. 100% homemade.

Say Hello to Chocolate Chips Muffin. :) Ini pun mummy kita buat business. haiyaa business minded betul itu ayu.
Lovely Shepherds Pie. Just, Lovely.
Puding Caramel. lol, sapa tak tau kan. ;p
Chocolate Chips Brownies.
Well well well, sayalah pavlova!
Chocolate Orange Marble Cake.
Orange Cake. Kegemaran nenek nenek di kampung yang gemarkan kek secukup rasa, tidak manis, dan rasa nyaman. what orange nyaman? oh why not. *eh kd ni mak tak buat business ke?* OF COURSE LA YES. ni pun business. ;)
Dont laugh. nama kek ini is Black Bottom Cupcake. why? i dont know, google pun memang akan keluar nama dia begitu. jadi terimalah dgn hati terbuka. the bottom is chocolate moist cake, while the not so black atas tu is cream cheese. Delicious! psstt, ni belum business lagi.

I guess you know its name. Hey, Im Red Velvet. Previous post, i wrote about RV. do scroll down if you would like to read. ;)

 Cooking and Baking are my passion. I love to do both tapi as you can see, memang tidak syak lagi im more into baking. hihi. nak masak lauk pauk tak pro lagi u knoww tapi boleh la untuk nak hidup.. but im learning untuk jadi lebih comel lagi di masa hadapan. kahkah merepek je. so i guess thats all for now. ;) goodbye lovely people!

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