Sunday, November 27, 2011
catchy song it is. lagu ni seriously kalau dgr mesti ingat dkt family. u know why? lemme tell you.
one night, while m driving, tetiba dgr lagu ni dkt radio. interesting. catchy song by ramlah ram. WHO? yes RAMLAH RAM penyanyi dolu dolu kala yang menyanyi lagu memang jiwang tak pun lagu meleleh air mata. but this song, opposite. bila blk rumah, terus download this song and asked mum to listen to it. she fell in love with the song too.
one day, mak tengah duduk dalam bilik ifwat. ber-youtube berseorangan sambil mulut menyanyi riang lagu ramlah ram ni. ifwat was sitting behind her and i joined them. i was singing with mum, and ifwat pun mengeluh 'apa laa jenis lagu yang hampa dengaq ni, xbest langsung' and we laughed and sambung nyanyi riang berdua duaan dengan niat jahat bagi ifwat lg annoyed. hahahaha. and he did nothing sambil tersengih tengok betapa pelik ibu dan adiknya mngkin. ;p
one afternoon, walid was driving, i was sitting beside him and we were 5 mins away from penang airport to fetch mum and suddenly lagu tu berkumandang dekat radio. i told walid 'ni lagu favourite mak'. perasaan seorang suami bila mengetahui lagu itu kegemaran isterinya, walid was speeding sbb nak bg mak sempat dgr lagu tu jugak dlm kereta. :') and bila smp mak sempat la dgr sambil nyanyi last verse of d song dgn chorus sikit sikit.
you seeeee. satu lagu dapat bagi satu family ada satu cerita tersendiri.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
all alone.
i just knew it, we have three days of holidays this weekend siince monday is a public holiday. and you know what? this is killlling me. im so freaking bored. i dont know what to do. but looking on the bright sight, this will be the longest, relaxing holiday ever here. because after this, ahha. the rest is nightmare.
i miss penang. i miss home. i miss my parents. i miss my brother. i miss my bedroom. i miss everyone, everything.
all alone.
i miss penang. i miss home. i miss my parents. i miss my brother. i miss my bedroom. i miss everyone, everything.
all alone.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
first week.
so today is Thursday. 4th day for this week. i've been here for almost a week but it feels like a month. i miss being at home. everything about home. but thinking of im here to have a better future, i need to be strong. i need to focus. i need to stay calm.
about the subjects for this semester, all i can say is it will be tough. seriously. those subjects are hard. plus i have class everyday from 8 am to 6 pm everyday without fail. one lecturer asked us 'korang class everyday sampai pukul berapa?' and when we told him about our schedule, all he can say was 'bangla pun balik awl dr korang' haha. u seeee how powerful we are. :')
elected as the class rep for this sem, i need to be extra alert in everything. i will try to give my very best and i hope they can cooperate with me. and trust me, they do. im so happy to have a supportive classmates. it feels so weird when lecturers called u, when we have to take orders for books, collect money, deal with all the schedule, classes and everything. hehehe, it is fun but tiring. but yeah, no complain! and now i miss my school life, i miss prefects board, i miss the time when i was the Penolong Ketua Pengawas. :(
so here i am, again, wish me all the best. i want i need i must achieve good grades again and again and again!
about the subjects for this semester, all i can say is it will be tough. seriously. those subjects are hard. plus i have class everyday from 8 am to 6 pm everyday without fail. one lecturer asked us 'korang class everyday sampai pukul berapa?' and when we told him about our schedule, all he can say was 'bangla pun balik awl dr korang' haha. u seeee how powerful we are. :')
elected as the class rep for this sem, i need to be extra alert in everything. i will try to give my very best and i hope they can cooperate with me. and trust me, they do. im so happy to have a supportive classmates. it feels so weird when lecturers called u, when we have to take orders for books, collect money, deal with all the schedule, classes and everything. hehehe, it is fun but tiring. but yeah, no complain! and now i miss my school life, i miss prefects board, i miss the time when i was the Penolong Ketua Pengawas. :(
so here i am, again, wish me all the best. i want i need i must achieve good grades again and again and again!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
#2 WHY MUST You Follow What Your Boyfriend Says?
first of all boyfriend is NOT your husband. fullstop.
so when it comes to follow your boyfriend's orders/needs/wants i guess there's something wrong with it. just tell me, if you do not follow what he asked you to do, will you both quarrel? YES kan? just because of the GF refused to do whatever he instruct.
BIG QUESTION MARK IN MY HEAD, (so kenalah capslock nak tunjuk BIG tu), why must when your boyfriend does not let you go out with someone/somebody YOU FOLLOW what he said but if your parents do not let you go out with your BF/friends you will NOT FOLLOW kan. mulalah nak rebel tak tentu pasal, hentak hentak kaki macam kat padang kawad tapi kalau BF tu suruh 'i tak bagi u kuar dgn somebody somebody' terus angguk macam burung belatuk turut perintah bersama dengan senyuman manis. so the questions here, siapa darah daging? siapa kesayangan? your boyfriend is it? ikut je la apa dia ckp and if let say one day you both break up, kira goodbye la. yang selama ni kau turut kata kata dia tu, sia sia ke? alahai. tak faham la part tu. lain la kalau org tu penjenayah ke ape yang diketahui ramai ni tak kadang kadang sampai nak keluar dengan kawan kawan sendiri pun tak boleh just because of the bf is not there. sometimes, you need space for yourself.
ANOTHER QUESTION MARK, whenever your BF told you that he dont like to be friend with somebody somebody and auntomatically you dont like to be friend with them too. why is it aa? virus ke? i was just thinking, if the two parties have a not-so-good-relationship, why must you make it more complicated and be the third party? tak payah la kot. sebab just like i said, kalau satu hari dah takde pape dgn si BF, kau nak bergantung pada siapa selain family? kawan kawan kan? selagi orang tak buat pasal, cari gaduh with you, just be friend with them. jangan on top of that kau carik pasal balik dgn diorang semata mata nak tunjuk kasih sayang yang mendalam tiada tolok bandingnya dekat boyfriend tu. TAPI kalau orang tu carik pasal dulu dengan kau, relevan lah kalau kau terkena virus tu sekali. if dia okay, xde hal pape, be nice. :)
not saying that im good (NOT AT ALL!), but i just feel that there is/are something not right regarding how girlfriends nowadays treat their boyfriends. Therefore, you know what's best for you. THINK before you ACT.
so when it comes to follow your boyfriend's orders/needs/wants i guess there's something wrong with it. just tell me, if you do not follow what he asked you to do, will you both quarrel? YES kan? just because of the GF refused to do whatever he instruct.
BIG QUESTION MARK IN MY HEAD, (so kenalah capslock nak tunjuk BIG tu), why must when your boyfriend does not let you go out with someone/somebody YOU FOLLOW what he said but if your parents do not let you go out with your BF/friends you will NOT FOLLOW kan. mulalah nak rebel tak tentu pasal, hentak hentak kaki macam kat padang kawad tapi kalau BF tu suruh 'i tak bagi u kuar dgn somebody somebody' terus angguk macam burung belatuk turut perintah bersama dengan senyuman manis. so the questions here, siapa darah daging? siapa kesayangan? your boyfriend is it? ikut je la apa dia ckp and if let say one day you both break up, kira goodbye la. yang selama ni kau turut kata kata dia tu, sia sia ke? alahai. tak faham la part tu. lain la kalau org tu penjenayah ke ape yang diketahui ramai ni tak kadang kadang sampai nak keluar dengan kawan kawan sendiri pun tak boleh just because of the bf is not there. sometimes, you need space for yourself.
ANOTHER QUESTION MARK, whenever your BF told you that he dont like to be friend with somebody somebody and auntomatically you dont like to be friend with them too. why is it aa? virus ke? i was just thinking, if the two parties have a not-so-good-relationship, why must you make it more complicated and be the third party? tak payah la kot. sebab just like i said, kalau satu hari dah takde pape dgn si BF, kau nak bergantung pada siapa selain family? kawan kawan kan? selagi orang tak buat pasal, cari gaduh with you, just be friend with them. jangan on top of that kau carik pasal balik dgn diorang semata mata nak tunjuk kasih sayang yang mendalam tiada tolok bandingnya dekat boyfriend tu. TAPI kalau orang tu carik pasal dulu dengan kau, relevan lah kalau kau terkena virus tu sekali. if dia okay, xde hal pape, be nice. :)
not saying that im good (NOT AT ALL!), but i just feel that there is/are something not right regarding how girlfriends nowadays treat their boyfriends. Therefore, you know what's best for you. THINK before you ACT.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
for the first time!
since i've been tagged for the first time, im now excited to answer all the questions. who tagged me? of course tak lain tak bukan blogger hebat NurulJannah Asila or we called her kak jan. :) oh dan dia juga girlfriend class rep saya. hihihi. so come on, lets play the gaaaaame!
First : The Rules.
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back!
7. No stuff in the tagging section about 'YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS' YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WILL ALL HONESTLY) have tagged 11 people.
Second : 11 Things About ME!
#1 : My full name is Siti Nor Khodijah binti Sheikh Samsol Bahari. people call me KD / IJA. and im mixed. my mum is pure malay + my dad is an arab = me.
#2 : i love red in colour damn much. i dont know why. it just happened to be. hahaha. red shows bravery. bajet berani. so yaa, red is wonderful colour.
#3 : i love to cook and bake. i enjoyyy cooking and baking superr superr mucchh. i love to try new recipe, cook new dishes, prepare desserts. awwhh, i just love it!
#4 : i love cosmetics stuffs. eyeshadows, lip lacquer, eye liner, mascara. everything. i feel good looking at those stuffs because i feel like im a grown up lady! :)
#5 : i used to have braces on. and now nomore. and sadly, my teeth are now mengada. it moves back. but just a little. but still i dont like it. perhaps i can ask my future husband to give hantaran for me to put on my braces back?
#6 : i hate people who distube me while im sleeping. and i mean it. i just dont like it because i have difficulty to sleep and yet when im sleeping, there are people who disturb. uwaaa. =_=''
#7 : i MUST have my blanket when im sleeping. any blanket. if i dont use blanket, then i cant sleep.
#8 : i dont like pink. but most of my stuffs are pink in colour. ;s dah perempuan memang tak boleh nak elak lah kan. but now, im more careful in choosing what colour of stuffs should i own. hehe.
#9 : menstrual pain is my bestfriend every month. i will get it without fail. but orang dulu dulu cakap if u always get menstrual pain, then when u want to deliver nanti senang. so err, bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian. haha
#10 : i start wearing tudung / hijab when i was in form 1. 13 years old.
# 11 : ohhh lupa pulak pasal ni. I TALK A LOTTTTTT. kadang kadang cakap takde fullstop. kadang kadang ade. ikut la mana sempat. haha. tak de la ckp mcm train. i talk like a normal people cuma terlebih enjoy bercakap. used to be ketua MC masa jd prefect during high school.
Third : Questionaire!
1. What do you think of ME?
* you are one beautiful lady. sangat confident in whatever you are doing. and one thing for sure, you KNOW what you are doing.
2. Tak suka makan apa and why?
* tak suka makan ape eh. jap fikir. erm, haaa tak suka makan pecal. pecal ni rasanya macam makanan jawa kot. tak suka sebab rasa dia pelik sbb after makan of course nnt pening kepala. haha.
3. Pernah tak jatuh tergolek kat public?
* PERNAHHHHHH! (dengan bangganya mengaku. bukan setakat tegolek je, siap macam nangka wangi lagi) fuhh.
4. Your first perfume?
* i cant remember tapi rasanya it was Escape beli masa buat umrah.
5. Barang yang korang PALING SAYANG ?
* handphone.
6. Perkara yang paling korang tak suka kalau bestfriend korang buat tapi tak sanggup nak tegur?
* erm, whenever he/she put the blame on others.
7. Fastfood yang korang prefer utk makan tiap kali keluar and why?
* McD la kot. sbb easy. grab and go. hehe.
8. Apa yang korang selalu buat kalau tengah nervous?
* selawat. pastu duduk diam diam. renung dinding.
9. Pernah menangis kat depan orang ?
* of course. banyak kali. saya over sensitif org ckp. :(
10. Pernah suka kat bestfriend sendiri tak?
* errr.
11. Have you ever feel betrayed, and apa yg korang buat lepas tu ?
* yes!! berdoa semoga dia mendapat balasan yang setimpal daripada Allah SWT.
DONE! oh, saya tak reti nak tag orang lain. :( xpe nanti saya belajar okay. till now. goodbye readers!
First : The Rules.
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back!
7. No stuff in the tagging section about 'YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS' YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WILL ALL HONESTLY) have tagged 11 people.
Second : 11 Things About ME!
#1 : My full name is Siti Nor Khodijah binti Sheikh Samsol Bahari. people call me KD / IJA. and im mixed. my mum is pure malay + my dad is an arab = me.
#2 : i love red in colour damn much. i dont know why. it just happened to be. hahaha. red shows bravery. bajet berani. so yaa, red is wonderful colour.
#3 : i love to cook and bake. i enjoyyy cooking and baking superr superr mucchh. i love to try new recipe, cook new dishes, prepare desserts. awwhh, i just love it!
#4 : i love cosmetics stuffs. eyeshadows, lip lacquer, eye liner, mascara. everything. i feel good looking at those stuffs because i feel like im a grown up lady! :)
#5 : i used to have braces on. and now nomore. and sadly, my teeth are now mengada. it moves back. but just a little. but still i dont like it. perhaps i can ask my future husband to give hantaran for me to put on my braces back?
#6 : i hate people who distube me while im sleeping. and i mean it. i just dont like it because i have difficulty to sleep and yet when im sleeping, there are people who disturb. uwaaa. =_=''
#7 : i MUST have my blanket when im sleeping. any blanket. if i dont use blanket, then i cant sleep.
#8 : i dont like pink. but most of my stuffs are pink in colour. ;s dah perempuan memang tak boleh nak elak lah kan. but now, im more careful in choosing what colour of stuffs should i own. hehe.
#9 : menstrual pain is my bestfriend every month. i will get it without fail. but orang dulu dulu cakap if u always get menstrual pain, then when u want to deliver nanti senang. so err, bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian. haha
#10 : i start wearing tudung / hijab when i was in form 1. 13 years old.
# 11 : ohhh lupa pulak pasal ni. I TALK A LOTTTTTT. kadang kadang cakap takde fullstop. kadang kadang ade. ikut la mana sempat. haha. tak de la ckp mcm train. i talk like a normal people cuma terlebih enjoy bercakap. used to be ketua MC masa jd prefect during high school.
Third : Questionaire!
1. What do you think of ME?
* you are one beautiful lady. sangat confident in whatever you are doing. and one thing for sure, you KNOW what you are doing.
2. Tak suka makan apa and why?
* tak suka makan ape eh. jap fikir. erm, haaa tak suka makan pecal. pecal ni rasanya macam makanan jawa kot. tak suka sebab rasa dia pelik sbb after makan of course nnt pening kepala. haha.
3. Pernah tak jatuh tergolek kat public?
* PERNAHHHHHH! (dengan bangganya mengaku. bukan setakat tegolek je, siap macam nangka wangi lagi) fuhh.
4. Your first perfume?
* i cant remember tapi rasanya it was Escape beli masa buat umrah.
5. Barang yang korang PALING SAYANG ?
* handphone.
6. Perkara yang paling korang tak suka kalau bestfriend korang buat tapi tak sanggup nak tegur?
* erm, whenever he/she put the blame on others.
7. Fastfood yang korang prefer utk makan tiap kali keluar and why?
* McD la kot. sbb easy. grab and go. hehe.
8. Apa yang korang selalu buat kalau tengah nervous?
* selawat. pastu duduk diam diam. renung dinding.
9. Pernah menangis kat depan orang ?
* of course. banyak kali. saya over sensitif org ckp. :(
10. Pernah suka kat bestfriend sendiri tak?
* errr.
11. Have you ever feel betrayed, and apa yg korang buat lepas tu ?
* yes!! berdoa semoga dia mendapat balasan yang setimpal daripada Allah SWT.
DONE! oh, saya tak reti nak tag orang lain. :( xpe nanti saya belajar okay. till now. goodbye readers!
#1 WHY MUST you underestimate people?
first entry on my WHY MUST. underestimate, of course everyone knows kan ape maksud dia. it happens around us. and of course it happens to me too. orang underestimate kita, tu perkara biasa la kan and kena lah terima. :( tapi of course sedih. but I personally think that orang yang suka underestimate orang lain ni ada penyakit yang tak ada ubat which is JEALOUSY. dia tak boleh tengok orang lebih dari dia sikit, mulalah nak look down on people. so why does that happen? simple! they are jealous.
oleh kerana umur kita yang masih muda trang tang tang begini, people around us selalu underestimate kita when it comes to exams la kan. of course tak ada benda lain. kalau perempuan yang macam dah anak dara yang dah sepatutnya pandai buat keja rumah, kalau nampak over lemah gemalai mesti orang kata 'eh ni mesti tak pandai buat apa pun dok rumah asyik goyang kaki'
EXAMS. tak semua orang boleh score waktu test la, ujian pertengahan tahun la, ujian 1, ujian 2, trial exam etc. BUT, you must remember tu bukan the end of the world untuk diorang, they can just stand up, do their level best in their final exam (UPSR, PMR, SPM, FINAL EXAM AT UNIVERSITY). so tak payah la nak buat kerja amal mengukur tahap kepandaian seseorang tu based on their on going test. pastu kau pulak bawak cerita kat orang lain, 'eh aku rasa dia tak leh la jawab exam. mesti result dia tak bagus macam dulu bla bla' tak payah nak deny, i experienced that. bukan I tak tau ada orang cakap macam tu about me, haha. seriously i know. tapi biarkan mereka meng-underestimate kita, believe in one thing, kita tak rugi apa apa pun. few days ago result final keluar, im sure tak semua dapat jangka akan dapat result yang bagaimana. apa pun yang kita dapat, alhamdulillah sebab tu yang kita usahakan. tak salah kita berkongsi kegembiraan tentang results kita dengan orang lain, tapi adakah semua boleh terima? yes. tak semua. yang pernah underestimate kita tu yang tak boleh terima kegembiraan kita. they will think that u want to show off. tu lah siapa suruh kau pandai pandai underestimate dia dulu. tapi as i said, hal kita biar terus menjadi hal kita. hal orang biarkan dia dengan hidup dia. Malaysia kan mengamalkan kebebasan bersuara. hahaha. oleh itu teruskan bersuara tapi fikir fikirlah perasaan orang jugak. jangan kerana mulut badan binasa. (wah sekarang suuka berperibahasa pulak dah)
PEREMPUAN. kalau dah selalu keluar dengan kawan2, mesti nanti orang cakap, mesti tak reti buat kerja rumah, asyik keluar je memanjang bila yang nak tolong mak dia sapu sampah, kemas rumah, masak, tanam pokok bla bla. haha. kaann. tapi tu lah, bukan kita duduk serumah dengan dia pun. mana kita nak tau dia reti ke tak. entah entah dia terror gila dah hal hal tu. tak semua orang yang suka keluar tu tak reti buat apa langsung. mana tau dia pandai manage time dia betul betul, sebelum keluar dia masak ke tak pun on weekend or whenever she is free dia asah skill skill bakat terpendam dia tu. haa cuba fikir positive sikit jangan dok underestimate or judge people dulu. other than that, people selalu prejudis when it comes to perempuan dan memasak. katakan suruh perempuan tu potong bawang sebijik, dia potong slow slow tapi kemas lah, mesti akan ada mulut sumbang cakap 'ni buat keja slow, mesti kat rumah tak pernah masak / tak pernah masuk dapur' tak ke berapi telinga dengar sesuka hati cakap mcm tu. tak baik okay. semua perempuan ada kelebihan masing masing. jadi jangan underestimate mereka kerana mereka boleh impress kan anda dengan kelebihan mereka itu! hehehe.
therefore, do not underestimate people around you. accept them for who they are and they will accept you for who you are because you are not perfect either. :)
oleh kerana umur kita yang masih muda trang tang tang begini, people around us selalu underestimate kita when it comes to exams la kan. of course tak ada benda lain. kalau perempuan yang macam dah anak dara yang dah sepatutnya pandai buat keja rumah, kalau nampak over lemah gemalai mesti orang kata 'eh ni mesti tak pandai buat apa pun dok rumah asyik goyang kaki'
EXAMS. tak semua orang boleh score waktu test la, ujian pertengahan tahun la, ujian 1, ujian 2, trial exam etc. BUT, you must remember tu bukan the end of the world untuk diorang, they can just stand up, do their level best in their final exam (UPSR, PMR, SPM, FINAL EXAM AT UNIVERSITY). so tak payah la nak buat kerja amal mengukur tahap kepandaian seseorang tu based on their on going test. pastu kau pulak bawak cerita kat orang lain, 'eh aku rasa dia tak leh la jawab exam. mesti result dia tak bagus macam dulu bla bla' tak payah nak deny, i experienced that. bukan I tak tau ada orang cakap macam tu about me, haha. seriously i know. tapi biarkan mereka meng-underestimate kita, believe in one thing, kita tak rugi apa apa pun. few days ago result final keluar, im sure tak semua dapat jangka akan dapat result yang bagaimana. apa pun yang kita dapat, alhamdulillah sebab tu yang kita usahakan. tak salah kita berkongsi kegembiraan tentang results kita dengan orang lain, tapi adakah semua boleh terima? yes. tak semua. yang pernah underestimate kita tu yang tak boleh terima kegembiraan kita. they will think that u want to show off. tu lah siapa suruh kau pandai pandai underestimate dia dulu. tapi as i said, hal kita biar terus menjadi hal kita. hal orang biarkan dia dengan hidup dia. Malaysia kan mengamalkan kebebasan bersuara. hahaha. oleh itu teruskan bersuara tapi fikir fikirlah perasaan orang jugak. jangan kerana mulut badan binasa. (wah sekarang suuka berperibahasa pulak dah)
PEREMPUAN. kalau dah selalu keluar dengan kawan2, mesti nanti orang cakap, mesti tak reti buat kerja rumah, asyik keluar je memanjang bila yang nak tolong mak dia sapu sampah, kemas rumah, masak, tanam pokok bla bla. haha. kaann. tapi tu lah, bukan kita duduk serumah dengan dia pun. mana kita nak tau dia reti ke tak. entah entah dia terror gila dah hal hal tu. tak semua orang yang suka keluar tu tak reti buat apa langsung. mana tau dia pandai manage time dia betul betul, sebelum keluar dia masak ke tak pun on weekend or whenever she is free dia asah skill skill bakat terpendam dia tu. haa cuba fikir positive sikit jangan dok underestimate or judge people dulu. other than that, people selalu prejudis when it comes to perempuan dan memasak. katakan suruh perempuan tu potong bawang sebijik, dia potong slow slow tapi kemas lah, mesti akan ada mulut sumbang cakap 'ni buat keja slow, mesti kat rumah tak pernah masak / tak pernah masuk dapur' tak ke berapi telinga dengar sesuka hati cakap mcm tu. tak baik okay. semua perempuan ada kelebihan masing masing. jadi jangan underestimate mereka kerana mereka boleh impress kan anda dengan kelebihan mereka itu! hehehe.
therefore, do not underestimate people around you. accept them for who they are and they will accept you for who you are because you are not perfect either. :)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Eid Adha Mubarak Everyone~

lemang dah siap? ketupat? rendang? lontong? kuah kacang?
righttt, whatever menus you have on the list for tomorrow, do remember Hari Raya Aidil Adha is not only for us to celebrate it with good foods/dishes but for us to remember the willingness of Nabi Ibrahim A.S to sacrifice his son, Nabi Ismail A.S. Eid Adha is also known as "FESTIVAL OF SACRIFICE". So, if ade extra extra time tomorrow after solat sunat aidiladha kat masjid tu, boleh lah tengok lembu kena korban okayh!
#IMPORTANT MESSAGES - Things To Do On Eid. (copied)
*Not to eat anything before the sacrifice. (jgn bgn pagi terus nak duduk makan je. hehe)
*Recite Takbiraat on the way to and from the mosque.
*THE WHOLE FAMILY including WOMAN & CHILDREN should go for Eid Prayer. (walaupun sunat, kan elok kalau dipraktikkan juga. dapat pahala. :) )
Friday, November 4, 2011
coming up next,
lawaaa tak layout baruuuu? hehe, rajin pulak nak tukar layout blog sebab dah bosan kan. so tukar angin lah sikitt. bila layout putih suci ni hati pun tenang sikit. HOHO. tapi ada tompok tompok hitam, alaa, biasalah hati tak selalunya suci. hhehe. dah tetiba pulak kan.
oh btw, coming up next..
planning to write on 'WHY MUST...?'
WHY MUST this, WHY MUST that, WHY MUST they do this and that bla bla. so everything pasal WHY MUST laa nih. sort of questions yg i havent got any answers. ;s tapi dalam WHY MUST ni maybe akan ku temui jawapannya. eleh.
for example WHY MUST people brush their teeth? CONTOH JE OKAY. nanti igt betul betul pulaakk nak ckp pasal berus gigi. no no nehii. so yeah, insya'Allah esok kalau diizinkan tuhan i will start on my WHY MUST entry. hihihi. doakan la moga moga saya tak mengelat atau mencuri tulang dalam menulis entry.
till the next entry, GOODBYE!
oh btw, coming up next..
planning to write on 'WHY MUST...?'
WHY MUST this, WHY MUST that, WHY MUST they do this and that bla bla. so everything pasal WHY MUST laa nih. sort of questions yg i havent got any answers. ;s tapi dalam WHY MUST ni maybe akan ku temui jawapannya. eleh.
for example WHY MUST people brush their teeth? CONTOH JE OKAY. nanti igt betul betul pulaakk nak ckp pasal berus gigi. no no nehii. so yeah, insya'Allah esok kalau diizinkan tuhan i will start on my WHY MUST entry. hihihi. doakan la moga moga saya tak mengelat atau mencuri tulang dalam menulis entry.
till the next entry, GOODBYE!
Blessed Friday,
bertemu lagi kita di hari yang mulia ini. hihihi. saja mengada sebnrnya buat opening mcm Forum Perdana. ;)
Since semalam ya ya tak nak ada hari Jumaat sebab takut results, today memang kena terima hakikat bahawasanya hari Jumaat memang wujud yaa tuan tuan dan puan puan. oleh kerana itu since yesterday saya takut teketaq ketaqqq tak tau nak dapat apaa weeyyy for this 3rd semester. i tried to check the results last night through UiTM Student Portal and email but still there were no sign of results yet. dah la jantung memang serious laju berdegup kencang tak hengatt. then this morning, ku gagahkan diri bangun jua. (elehh ayat) akhirnya ku menemui jawapannya.
ALHAMDULILLAH. Syukur Ya Allah. usaha berbaloi weh. eventhough memang macam banyak jugak main main and terleka kejap last sem due to cell cell malas dalam badan (ada ke cell malas? oh i dont know)syukur dapat jugak maintain. memang rasa cemas gila la sem ni, dengan susah gilanya segala subjects plus dgn pressure dalaman luaran dan sebagainya. fuhhh, at last, Alhamdulillah. yang lawaknya, (for me lawak la kalau korang rasa tak lawak tak pelah kan) haha, certain subjects yang tak confident langsung turned out to be good..yang confident boleh buat tu yg dpt A-. sabar je la kan. at least USAHA, dah usaha baru boleh TAWAKAL dan BERSERAH pada ALLAH. :)
OKAYYYHH, saya punya cell idea dah bercambah, tapi saya rasa moleklah kiranya kita berhenti setakat ini sahaja di hari Jumaat yang mulia ini. ;)
therefore, THANK YOU WALID, MAK, AFFAT, LECTURERS, FRIENDS. without your support, i wont be here, i will not be as strong as i am today.
Congratulations all UiTM Students!
#nak kena prepare for MUET writing, reading & listening test pulak 19th November nih.
bertemu lagi kita di hari yang mulia ini. hihihi. saja mengada sebnrnya buat opening mcm Forum Perdana. ;)
Since semalam ya ya tak nak ada hari Jumaat sebab takut results, today memang kena terima hakikat bahawasanya hari Jumaat memang wujud yaa tuan tuan dan puan puan. oleh kerana itu since yesterday saya takut teketaq ketaqqq tak tau nak dapat apaa weeyyy for this 3rd semester. i tried to check the results last night through UiTM Student Portal and email but still there were no sign of results yet. dah la jantung memang serious laju berdegup kencang tak hengatt. then this morning, ku gagahkan diri bangun jua. (elehh ayat) akhirnya ku menemui jawapannya.
ALHAMDULILLAH. Syukur Ya Allah. usaha berbaloi weh. eventhough memang macam banyak jugak main main and terleka kejap last sem due to cell cell malas dalam badan (ada ke cell malas? oh i dont know)syukur dapat jugak maintain. memang rasa cemas gila la sem ni, dengan susah gilanya segala subjects plus dgn pressure dalaman luaran dan sebagainya. fuhhh, at last, Alhamdulillah. yang lawaknya, (for me lawak la kalau korang rasa tak lawak tak pelah kan) haha, certain subjects yang tak confident langsung turned out to be good..yang confident boleh buat tu yg dpt A-. sabar je la kan. at least USAHA, dah usaha baru boleh TAWAKAL dan BERSERAH pada ALLAH. :)
OKAYYYHH, saya punya cell idea dah bercambah, tapi saya rasa moleklah kiranya kita berhenti setakat ini sahaja di hari Jumaat yang mulia ini. ;)
therefore, THANK YOU WALID, MAK, AFFAT, LECTURERS, FRIENDS. without your support, i wont be here, i will not be as strong as i am today.
Congratulations all UiTM Students!
#nak kena prepare for MUET writing, reading & listening test pulak 19th November nih.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
i am so freaking nervous right now i tell you. in few hours time, all my efforts throught out the semester will be revealed. i am hoping for the very best of course but we can only hope and du'a. i have tried my level best, all i need to do is tawakal and du'a and that is what i have been doing. so yeah, still hoping for the very best, and whatever happens, i believe God knows why and God has a better plan for us. Ya Allah, kau berikanlah keputusan yang cemerlang kepadaku. AMIN.
Shepherd's Pie.
hello hellooo everybodyy yeahh! ;)
hari ini marilah kita beramai ramai meraikan kejayaan memasak minggu lepas ya. okay sound so wrong. biasalah duduk rumah ada je benda nak buat sampai tak ada masa yang betul betul terluang untuk update blog. (okay menipu je tu, banyak je masa terluang, tergendala tapi pegi buat benda lain) hihihi. ingat lepas siap buat pie haritu terus nak update blog tapi alangkah sedihnya apabila hajat tidak kesampaian. OKAY STOP BUAT DRAMA!
Mari lihat picture kejayaan. haha.

so these are my shepherd's pies, before bakar lah of course. :)

these are the pies hot from the oven. it is a classic shepherd's pie actually. so if korang ada tgk tgk dkt internet recipe shepherd's pie ni memang teramatlah banyak. macam macam jenis. ohh not to forget shepherd's pie & cottage pie are the same y'all. ada yang letak cheese on top (American Style) ada yang tak letak cheese (British Style) and recipe diorang pun berbeza okay American dgn British nih. perselisihan pendapat betul lah. hehehe. tapi Alhamdulillah we tried both, tengok yang kuning kuning keemasan tu letak mozarella on top. yang macam cakaran harimau comel tu tak letak cheese. :) tapi since saya hantu cheese, of course lah suka letaak cheese lagi. nak pulak mozarella dia tak terlampau lemak jadi just nice. DAAAAPPNYERRR.
Why buat Shepherd's Pie?
first of all nak try buat Mashed Potato with Black Pepper Sauce je. patu bila fikir balik, buat Shepherd's Pie pun macam sedap since i love to eat Starbucks punya Shepherd's Pie. tapi of course la Starbucks punya pie lain, dia buat pie crust and buat comel comel, kalau tak mau hancur je serve dkt customers. hehe. tapi still sedap. kalau ikut the real shepherd's pie, tak ada crust okay. memang semata mata ubi dan daging lembu/kambing kat bawah tu. since saya peminat ubi yang tegar, wah tegar okay! oleh itu segala makanan berkaitan dengan ubi saya suka! maka dengan itu terhasil lah Shepherd's Pie. ;')
*setakat ni ramai jugak mintak recipe pie ni from me. hehe. hopefully korang try la eh yang mana yg dah dapat recipe tu. ;)
hari ini marilah kita beramai ramai meraikan kejayaan memasak minggu lepas ya. okay sound so wrong. biasalah duduk rumah ada je benda nak buat sampai tak ada masa yang betul betul terluang untuk update blog. (okay menipu je tu, banyak je masa terluang, tergendala tapi pegi buat benda lain) hihihi. ingat lepas siap buat pie haritu terus nak update blog tapi alangkah sedihnya apabila hajat tidak kesampaian. OKAY STOP BUAT DRAMA!
Mari lihat picture kejayaan. haha.

so these are my shepherd's pies, before bakar lah of course. :)

these are the pies hot from the oven. it is a classic shepherd's pie actually. so if korang ada tgk tgk dkt internet recipe shepherd's pie ni memang teramatlah banyak. macam macam jenis. ohh not to forget shepherd's pie & cottage pie are the same y'all. ada yang letak cheese on top (American Style) ada yang tak letak cheese (British Style) and recipe diorang pun berbeza okay American dgn British nih. perselisihan pendapat betul lah. hehehe. tapi Alhamdulillah we tried both, tengok yang kuning kuning keemasan tu letak mozarella on top. yang macam cakaran harimau comel tu tak letak cheese. :) tapi since saya hantu cheese, of course lah suka letaak cheese lagi. nak pulak mozarella dia tak terlampau lemak jadi just nice. DAAAAPPNYERRR.
Why buat Shepherd's Pie?
first of all nak try buat Mashed Potato with Black Pepper Sauce je. patu bila fikir balik, buat Shepherd's Pie pun macam sedap since i love to eat Starbucks punya Shepherd's Pie. tapi of course la Starbucks punya pie lain, dia buat pie crust and buat comel comel, kalau tak mau hancur je serve dkt customers. hehe. tapi still sedap. kalau ikut the real shepherd's pie, tak ada crust okay. memang semata mata ubi dan daging lembu/kambing kat bawah tu. since saya peminat ubi yang tegar, wah tegar okay! oleh itu segala makanan berkaitan dengan ubi saya suka! maka dengan itu terhasil lah Shepherd's Pie. ;')
*setakat ni ramai jugak mintak recipe pie ni from me. hehe. hopefully korang try la eh yang mana yg dah dapat recipe tu. ;)
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