Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All Praises To Allah!

Result Semester 2 dah keluar last night.
As you guys know, my previous post after final dulu sedih gila mcm nak meratapi pemergian paper paper tersebut sbb tak confident sgt. But yaa, Allah ada better plan for us. Dia duga kita at first bg rasa cuak cuak sikit, bg rasa tak confident etc.

I cried! A lot of times dkt sana during my exam week. Pressure & Stress make me feel that this time will not be good. will not achieved as good as my first sem but as i said Allah has a better plan!

and here i am,

Syukur Alhamdulillah, result saya maintain! tak turun tak naik. exactly the same mcm first sem and for those yg tau what did i get during my first sem, you'll surely know what did i get for 2nd sem.

Alhamdulillah Ya ALLAH!

special thanks dedicated to my family :- Walid, Mak, Ifwat, you guys are the greatest gift in my life. :')


Aimi Bahari said...

congrates kd. =)

Khodijah Shamsul said...

thank you aimi. urs must be good too kan. congrats! :)

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